We're going to defederate from monads.online, myasstodon.xyz & elekk.xyz in 7 days. It's taken us a long time to do this, and we're giving this notice now because we know this will cut off a significant number of mufos from each other. We hope you can either find alts or convince your friends to move instances. The next toot will explain why we are taking this drastic step.


It's become clear to us that major figures on those 3 instances have a pattern of shitposting-as-deniable-harassment/brigading, directed toward prominent Black people on the fediverse, and then hiding behind their own ethnic minority identities when called out. This was a big contributor to the loss of both PV and individual Black fedi members. We can no longer continue to enable this behavior by federating with these instances.

To clarify, this is not about people liking to shitpost. It's about an ongoing pattern of using shitposts to brigade people, and the worst actors using multiple alts to evade blocks in response. We won't be naming names, because that would be deeply hypocritical when we are complaining about brigading. But this is a decision we (5 white mods, 1 Black, 1 non-Black PoC) came to by consensus after a long deliberation, from seeing this behavior drive Black individuals and PV off the Fediverse.

We will reply to weirder.earth users giving further explanation and discussing the issue. We will do so privately and slowly, so that there is time to write considered, constructive responses and balance giving some examples with not throwing people under the bus. w.e. users please be patient, we're not ignoring you. We will not be responding to users of other instances. You're welcome to draw whatever conclusions you like about us; it's our own users we are accountable to.

@WeirderAdmin hmm. disappointed to hear this. will have to figure out what to do about close friends on that instance.

@WeirderAdmin look, I'm not on here all the time, I dont know the "meta". can you provide context and receipts? or any detail?

@WeirderAdmin just joining in on the people who would really like to know more about the justification for this. i'm personally confused as to where this came from.

@WeirderAdmin hi, please show your work to substantiate your answer or I'll have to discredit your claims.

long, defederation, + 

@WeirderAdmin i appreciate this a lot

PV shutting down was a major loss and those users were deliberately hounded out of here. i don't care what popular left-talking person does it, the irony-as-a-cover-for-racist-harrassment sure smells like fash bullshit to me, so thanks for drawing the line

a little pain in the ass instance switching is a small price to pay to make this place safer

now watch some people really show their ass and get all freeze-peachy about it

@WeirderAdmin hey, just wanted to add my voice here to those who would like some additional context to understand this.

I realize you are all probably overwhelmed with questions right now and I know putting together an official statement takes time but I think that in this case greater transparency is really needed.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation, but in the interests of making things clear much faster than individual private messages, a more detailed public statement might be good

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